Dog training often includes working with AND prevention of aggressive behaviors in dogs. According to the American Humane Society, more than 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs every year, and the ASPCA reports that dog bites kill between 15 and 20 people annually. While the majority of dog bites don’t result in serious injury, they certainly cause pain and should be treated to avoid infection. Fortunately, there are practical steps you can take to avoid getting bitten in the first place. Basic dog training will increase the odds of a non-aggressive dog. MORE dog training info. can be found HERE.
A Dog Owner’s Responsibility
According to many experienced dog trainers and dog behaviorists, many owners of aggressive dogs are often “in denial” about the seriousness of their dog’s aggression. They note that dog owners often try to reason with the animal in much the same way one would attempt to reason with a human. When dog training, it is BEST to illustrate to the aggressive dog owner, when to think like a human, and when to think like a dog!! This will better rationalize the overall normal/and non-normal behavior of the dog.
How do you read a dogs body language? Are they happy or about to bite? Read THIS.
Take Action to Stop Aggression in Your Dog
Many experienced dog trainers warn that verbal cues are not enough to remove aggressive behaviors in dogs and that dog owners must take systematic action to alleviate these unwanted aggressive dog behaviors. Whether or not the dog is yours, his body language should be fairly easy to identify. A dog with a relaxed mouth who has his head held up and ears in a natural position (neither forward nor back) is generally calm. Another indicator is his fur. The fur on the neck and back of a relaxed dog will be smooth and flat. A dog’s demeanor doesn’t necessarily mean he is approachable, but it does show that he’s not in an aggressive dog state.
On the other hand, if the dog’s body looks tense, his tail is stiff, and his fur is standing up, he’s probably not in the mood to be approached, and should be avoided. Additionally, if the dog is backing away from you, has his ears and head pulled back, or is showing his teeth, or snarling and growling, he is in a heightened state of fear and/or aggression. Of course, those are more obvious signs to stay away from him, and they should be heeded.
Dog Bites and Children
Children are naturally drawn to dogs because they see them as potential playmates. However, dogs can be easily startled by a child’s movements (due to natural dog prey drive), and they’re also pack animals who may try to establish dominance and territory. So, teaching children what to do and what not to do around dogs will go a long way in keeping them both safe.
Children should be taught never to approach a dog that is inside of a car, cage, or behind a fence, because that is the dog’s territory and he will instinctively protect it. Also, under no circumstances should a child approach an unknown dog, whether leashed or not, without the owner’s permission and an adult present. Even then, the ASPCA advises that children be taught to avoid petting the dog’s head.
Dog Bite Prevention
An off leash dog can be dangerous, and you should always assume that he views you as a threat, regardless of his size or whether or not you are familiar with him. In the event that you are approached by a roaming dog, the American Kennel Club suggests the following actions:
- Drape your arms over your chest and stand still
- Do not make eye contact with the dog, as they may see that as a sign of aggression
- If possible, throw something to distract the dog’s attention. He should run off to inspect the item, and that gives you an opportunity to slowly turn and walk away
Never run from a dog, especially if you suspect he is showing signs of fear or aggression. A dog’s natural inclination will be to give chase.
Avoid Surprising the Dog
Finally, dogs are naturally territorial and, like humans, they become alarmed when they are awakened. Avoid startling or disturbing a dog while he is gnawing on a toy, eating, sleeping, or tending to his or her puppies.
Dogs really are devoted companion animals, but they are animals, nonetheless. Respecting their personal space, and recognizing and understanding their body language and behavior will help keep you from getting bitten, at that will keep you both safe. ALSO: General dog training commands will greatly reduce the odds of potential dog aggression.
Since 2005, Mark Siebel has trained over 6000 satisfied K’9’s and customers alike. The goal has always been to show owners how to properly integrate their dog into the home setting. Consulting on what breed of dog to buy, where to buy/rescue from, preparing your home for your new puppy and health/nutrition are just a few ways DOGGIE STEPS helps its customers.