3 Most Popular Dog Training Stay Commands

When do I make my dog stay? Here is when!! When dog training, the stay command is most often used to keep your dog back from the front door, out of the kitchen, out of the bathroom, and out of the street. Training your dog to stay will give you added control and added dog obedience.

Below are the 3 most popular dog training stay commands, dog sit stay, dog stand stay, and dog down stay.

1. Dog sit stay. Dog sit stay will be one of the most used dog stay commands. Dog sit stay I recommend using whenever you DON’T know what to command your dog to do! It will most often give you enough time to connect to your next dog training command. Application: Before playing fetch with your dog, command dog sit stay.

2. Dog stand stay. Dog stand stay is a dog stay command that will be used most often when your dog is CALM! YES!! There actually are times when your dog is calm. So, if your dogs energy is mild, begin using the dog stand stay command. A dog standing is all 4 dog paws on the ground, which if the dogs energy is more high strung, will be a bit harder for your dog to stand stay. So, be sure the dogs energy is mild. Application: Before leaving the front door on a dog walk OR crossing the street, command dog stand stay.

3. Dog down stay. Dog down stay is a dog stay command that will be used most often when your dog is HYPER or needs to be disciplined. In a dog pack, a dog is corrected by an alpha pack leader dog with a dog down stay. So, if your dog is displaying high energy, OR needs to be disciplined for unwanted dog behaviors, use the dog down stay. Application: Excessive dog jumping OR extreme high dog energy, command dog down stay.

Making your dog stay is easy and will ultimately improve overall dog energy. By practicing and knowing when to use the dog sit stay, dog stand stay, and dog down stay, you will see improved dog training obedience and better overall control of your dog.